Friday, December 26, 2014

The Portal à la The 10th Kingdom

The plot line isn't novel at all, but I don't seem to stop delighting in films that pop aliens into the big city and engage them in tête-à-tête with jaded humans, amid the rubble of alleyways and greetings of middle fingers.
Couple:  Discover the magic.  I can't wait.
Kim:  There is no magic.
Couple:  What?  What?
Kim:  What?
Tracy:  [simply a look: what the hell?]
Kim:  There is no magic.  There's loneliness and food poisoning.
When we hear this well-acted funny exchange, we know the handsome, wacky outfitted alien and the pretty, bored to tears agent are on a collision course of romance and comedy.  The Portal follows in the footsteps of the lengthy miniseries The 10th Kingdom, and accordingly producer Laura Perlmutter notes that there are plans to turn this short film into a web series.  Tahmoh Penikett as Alar and Erin Karpluk as Kim make for an odd but fated couple.  Penelope Corrin as Tracy cinches comic acting rather well with her facial gestures and brief lines:  So lunch was good?  I love it, so I cannot wait for the web series.

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